The Next Phase with Steve Kee

Episode 37: The Next Phase with Steve Kee: Whitby Councillor to run federally, a check in with Maleeha Shahid

Steve Kee Season 1 Episode 37

Elected in 2018 as the Councillor for East Ward 4, Maleeha Shahid is serving her term on the Town of Whitby Council.

Currently, Maleeha Shahid is the Mayor’s designate on the Whitby Public Library Board and the Whitby 55+ Recreation Advisory Committee. She has served as a Vice Chair of the General Government portion of Committee of the Whole. Maleeha was the Mayor’s designate on the Whitby in Bloom Committee and the Whitby Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee.

As a successful self-employed woman for over 10 years, Maleeha knows firsthand what it takes to run a business. She can relate to the small and medium-sized business owners who are the backbone of Whitby. Maleeha is known for her excellent problem solving, customer service and interaction with the public. This is the type of valuable experience she brings to Council in managing growth in a responsible manner.

Maleeha has been actively involved as a member of the Rotary Club of Whitby Sunrise doing her part to bring people together to help make Whitby the best it can be. She is committed to ensuring that Whitby continues to be a prosperous, safe and thriving place to live and start a business.

For over 14 years Maleeha has been a resident of Whitby. She and her husband live in the East Ward with their three children.  As a parent, homeowner, successful businessperson and community volunteer, Maleeha keeps an eye on issues that matter in Whitby.

We hear from Maleeha on her thoughts on the local community, politics and next steps. 

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