The Next Phase with Steve Kee

Episode 45: The Next Phase with Steve Kee: Being the Best Speaker you can be with Sean Tyler Foley

Steve Kee Season 1 Episode 45

Sean Tyler Foley (or STF as he's affectionately known) loves helping people find their voice so they can get their message out to the world. It is the focus of his book, "The Power to Speak Naked", and it’s what truly makes him feel alive. As a performer, speaker, and a general seeker of attention, he knows how hard it can be to get in front of an audience. Facilitating that, even in the smallest way for others, is what he was put on this earth to do.

STF is a husband, father, son, and performer, in that order. Some days he feels like he has dabbled in every industry on the planet, from oil and gas, to aviation, to film and television, but that diverse experience is what has made him so versatile!

Regardless of the industry or the titles he has held, what they all had in common was promoting and encouraging people to be heard and understood. The skills and resources he has garnered along the way have enabled him to become an entertaining professional speaker and a knowledgeable trainer, who aspires others to reach for their dreams.

For more information:

Free download of The Method.

The Method contains 5 insider secrets  every speaker needs to know including:

  • How New Speakers Can Quickly Inspire Their Audience 
  • How to Fill All Your Seats Every Time You Speak 
  • Why Visualizing Your Audience Naked Never Helps to Let Go of Stage Fright 
  • How to Speak With Confidence, Communicate Effectively & Win Your Audience